A Mod that is mainly developed for Zandronum 3.0 but it should work on ZDoom/GZDoom latest version as well.Download link: !AFUBAYqS!vbipx7ds6IY_CHdQn4eOPQmoon_man_1.4_test7.pk3 needs to be loaded first and then the patch.Gitgud link: -men/moonman-doom
Anybody got those like moonman and freinds animations? also the moonman reacts stuff, got alot of moonman archived but none of them and i miss those videos. Also got a few whole albums with video and some songs that i dont see here if anybodys intrested most of them found here > , theres a few other archived threads there if you look for em aswell
moon man doom mod
Download Zip: https://tinourl.com/2vAj7z
to install simply click link, open .zip file in folder, extract .zip file and drag into GZDoom or other Doom II port folder ( where you normally open your Doom mods and such ). Once in folder, create a new folder, preferably named "Skins". When ready to play Doom II with new music, simply drag said folder ( skins folder ) over your doom engine ( GZDoom or whatever ), it should say open with ( your port via GZDoom ), then you're pretty much done, just open it with your port.
That the reader may comprehend the force of the following scene, it will be necessary to give him briefly the plan and story of the preceding part: Adam feels a violent and sudden shock of nature within him, which he imagines to be the forerunner of his death. While his mind is wholly employed in these ideas, and full of strange apprehensions, the Angel of Death appears before him, and pronounces his doom; and adds moreover that he shall not die, till he comprehends the meaning of these words, "Thou shalt die the death." Cain, an outcast and a wanderer, is conducted by Divine Justice to the bower of Adam. 2ff7e9595c