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Eclipse JEE 2018-09 Win32 x86_64: Download, Install, and Configure in Minutes



Eclipse is one of the most popular integrated development environments (IDEs) for Java developers. It provides a rich set of features and plugins that support various types of Java development, such as standard Java, web, enterprise, mobile, and cloud applications. Eclipse is also an open source project that can be extended and customized by the developer community.


In this article, we will focus on one of the packages of Eclipse that is designed for Java EE developers: This package contains tools for creating Java EE and web applications, such as a Java IDE, tools for Java EE, JPA, JSF, Mylyn, EGit and others. This package was released on September 19, 2018 as part of the Eclipse 2018-09 release. It is compatible with Windows 64-bit systems.

We will show you how to download, install and configure this package on your Windows system, as well as some common errors and solutions for using Eclipse for Java EE development. By the end of this article, you should be able to use Eclipse to create and run your own Java EE applications.

Downloading the package

The first step is to download the package from the official Eclipse website. You can find it under the . The file size is about 355 MB.

How to download for Windows 64-bit

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 2018-09 R package download

Download URL for file

Eclipse Packages release 2018-09 R for Java EE and Web applications

Download with Data Tools Platform and Git integration

Eclipse Java Development Tools and Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools download

JavaScript Development Tools and Maven Integration for Eclipse download

Mylyn Task List and Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment download

Code Recommenders Tools for Java Developers download

Eclipse XML Editors and Tools download

Download with EGit and JPA tools

Download with JSF and Mylyn tools

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers package description and features list

Download from website

Download from mirror sites

Download with SHA1 and MD5 checksums

Download with SHA512 checksum

How to install on Windows 64-bit

How to run on Windows 64-bit

How to update on Windows 64-bit

How to uninstall on Windows 64-bit

How to configure on Windows 64-bit

How to use on Windows 64-bit

How to troubleshoot on Windows 64-bit

How to report bugs and issues with on Windows 64-bit

Once you have downloaded the file, you need to unzip it to a local directory of your choice. You can use any file compression utility that supports zip files, such as WinZip or 7-Zip. For example, if you use 7-Zip, you can right-click on the file and choose 7-Zip > Extract Here. This will create a folder named eclipse in the same directory as the zip file.

Installing the package

The next step is to run the package and install it on your system. The package does not require any special installation process or administrator privileges. You just need to double-click on the eclipse.exe file inside the eclipse folder that you extracted from the zip file. This will launch the Eclipse IDE.

The first time you run Eclipse, it will ask you to select a workspace location. A workspace is a folder where Eclipse stores your projects and settings. You can choose any folder that you have access to, or use the default one suggested by Eclipse. You can also check the option to use this as the default workspace and not ask again.

After selecting a workspace location, you will see the Eclipse welcome screen. This screen provides some useful links and tutorials to help you get started with Eclipse. You can close the welcome screen by clicking on the X icon on the top right corner. You will then see the Eclipse workbench, which is the main interface for developing and managing your projects. The workbench consists of several views and editors that you can arrange and customize according to your preferences.

Configuring the package

Before you can create and run Java EE applications in Eclipse, you need to configure some settings and components in the package. In this section, we will show you how to add a Java runtime environment, an application server, and a Java EE project to your Eclipse workbench.

Adding a Java runtime environment

A Java runtime environment (JRE) is a software package that provides the libraries and tools for running Java applications. You need to have a JRE installed on your system and added to Eclipse in order to compile and run Java code. The package comes with a built-in JRE, but you can also use other JREs that you have installed on your system.

To add a JRE to Eclipse, follow these steps:

  • Go to Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs.

  • Click on Add... and select Standard VM.

  • Click on Directory... and browse to the location of the JRE that you want to add. For example, if you have installed the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 11 on your system, you can find the JRE under C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\jre.

  • Click on Finish. The JRE will be added to the list of installed JREs.

  • Select the JRE that you want to use as the default one and click on Apply and Close.

You have now added a JRE to Eclipse. You can check the version of the JRE that you are using by going to Help > About Eclipse IDE > Installation Details > Configuration and looking for the java.home property.

Adding an application server

An application server is a software platform that provides the runtime environment and services for deploying and running Java EE applications. You need to have an application server installed on your system and added to Eclipse in order to create and run Java EE projects. The package does not come with any application server, but it supports various servers that you can download and install separately, such as Apache Tomcat, GlassFish, WildFly, WebSphere Liberty, and others.

In this article, we will use Apache Tomcat as an example of an application server. Apache Tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container that implements the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language, and WebSocket technologies. You can download Apache Tomcat from its . The latest stable version at the time of writing this article is 9.0.52.

To add an application server to Eclipse, follow these steps:

  • Download and unzip Apache Tomcat to a local directory of your choice.

  • Go to Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments.

  • Click on Add... and select Apache Tomcat v9.0 from the list of server types.

  • Click on Next and browse to the location of the Apache Tomcat installation directory.

  • Click on Finish. The Apache Tomcat server will be added to the list of runtime environments.

  • Click on Apply and Close.

You have now added an application server to Eclipse. You can check the status of the server by going to Window > Show View > Servers. You can also start, stop, restart, or debug the server from this view.

Creating a Java EE project

A Java EE project is a type of project in Eclipse that contains the source code, configuration files, libraries, and resources for developing a Java EE application. You can create different types of Java EE projects depending on the technologies that you want to use, such as Dynamic Web Project, Enterprise Application Project, EJB Project, etc. In this article, we will create a Dynamic Web Project as an example of a Java EE project. A Dynamic Web Project is a project that contains web components such as servlets, JSPs, filters, listeners, etc., as well as static resources such as HTML pages, images, CSS files, etc.

To create a Java EE project in Eclipse, follow these steps:

  • Go to File > New Project > Dynamic Web Project.

  • Enter a name for your project and select a target runtime environment. For example, if you have added Apache Tomcat as your application server, you can select Apache Tomcat v9.0 as your target runtime.

  • Select a dynamic web module version. This is the version of the Java EE specification that your project will follow. For example, you can select 4.0, which is the latest version at the time of writing this article.

  • Click on Next and configure the project settings as per your requirements. For example, you can change the context root, the content directory, the web.xml deployment descriptor, etc.

  • Click on Finish. The Dynamic Web Project will be created and added to your workspace.

You have now created a Java EE project in Eclipse. You can see the project structure and contents in the Project Explorer view. You can also edit, run, debug, or deploy your project from this view.

Common errors and solutions

While developing Java EE applications in Eclipse, you may encounter some errors or warnings that prevent you from compiling or running your code. In this section, we will discuss some of the common errors and solutions that you may face while using Eclipse for Java EE development.

Missing Java EE libraries

One of the common errors that you may see in your Java EE project is the missing Java EE libraries in the project build path. This means that Eclipse cannot find the required libraries for compiling and running your Java EE code. This error usually occurs when you create a Java EE project without selecting a target runtime environment, or when you change the target runtime environment after creating the project.

To fix this error, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on your project and select Properties > Project Facets.

  • Check if the Java facet and the Dynamic Web Module facet are selected. If not, select them and click on Apply.

  • Click on Runtimes tab and check if the target runtime environment is selected. If not, select it and click on Apply and Close.

  • Right-click on your project and select Maven > Update Project....

  • Check if the error is resolved. If not, right-click on your project and select Build Path > Configure Build Path....

  • Click on Libraries tab and check if the Java EE libraries are present. If not, click on Add Library... and select JRE System Library or Server Runtime depending on your target runtime environment.

  • Click on OK and check if the error is resolved.

You have now fixed the missing Java EE libraries error in your project build path. You should be able to compile and run your Java EE code without any issues.

Maven dependencies warnings

Another common warning that you may see in your Java EE project is the Maven dependencies warnings in the Problems view. This means that Eclipse cannot resolve some of the dependencies that are specified in your pom.xml file. This warning usually occurs when you create a Maven-based Java EE project, or when you add or update some dependencies in your pom.xml file.

To fix this warning, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on your project and select Maven > Update Project....

  • Select your project and check the option to Force Update of Snapshots/Releases.

  • Click on OK and wait for Eclipse to update your project dependencies.

  • Check if the warning is resolved. If not, right-click on your project and select Maven > Download Sources.

  • Wait for Eclipse to download the sources of your dependencies.

  • Check if the warning is resolved.

You have now fixed the Maven dependencies warnings in your project. You should be able to access the sources and javadocs of your dependencies without any issues.

Other compiler errors

Besides the errors and warnings mentioned above, you may also encounter other compiler errors while developing Java EE applications in Eclipse. These errors may be related to syntax, logic, or configuration issues in your code or project settings. To troubleshoot these errors, you can use some of the following resources:

  • The , which provides guides and tutorials for using Eclipse features and tools.

  • The , which provide a platform for asking questions and getting answers from other Eclipse users and developers.

  • The , which provides a way to report and track issues and bugs in Eclipse products and projects.

  • The , which provides a network of blogs, podcasts, newsletters, and events related to Eclipse topics and projects.

These resources can help you find solutions and best practices for developing Java EE applications in Eclipse. You can also learn from the experiences and feedback of other Eclipse users and developers.


In this article, we have shown you how to download, install and configure the package, which is a package of the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers. We have also discussed some of the common errors and solutions that you may encounter while using Eclipse for Java EE development. We hope that this article has helped you to get started with Eclipse and Java EE, and that you will enjoy creating and running your own Java EE applications.

Here are some tips for using Eclipse for Java EE development:

  • Keep your Eclipse and Java EE packages up to date to get the latest features and bug fixes.

  • Use the Eclipse Marketplace to find and install additional plugins and tools that can enhance your Java EE development experience.

  • Use the Eclipse code templates, code completion, code formatting, code refactoring, code generation, and code analysis features to write clean and efficient Java EE code.

  • Use the Eclipse debugger, console, breakpoints, expressions, variables, and watch views to debug and test your Java EE code.

  • Use the Eclipse web tools platform (WTP) project, which provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing web applications, such as editors, validators, wizards, servers, testers, etc.

  • Use the Eclipse Java EE tools project, which provides a set of tools for developing enterprise applications, such as editors, validators, wizards, servers, testers, etc.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Eclipse for Java EE development:

  • What is the difference between Java SE and Java EE?

Java SE (Standard Edition) is the core Java platform that provides the basic libraries and tools for developing general-purpose Java applications. Java EE (Enterprise Edition) is an extension of Java SE that provides additional libraries and tools for developing distributed, scalable, secure, and reliable enterprise applications.

  • What are the benefits of using Eclipse for Java EE development?

Eclipse is a powerful and versatile IDE that supports various types of Java development. Some of the benefits of using Eclipse for Java EE development are:

  • It is free and open source.

  • It is cross-platform and runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and other operating systems.

  • It is modular and extensible. You can customize it with various plugins and tools that suit your needs.

  • It provides a rich set of features and tools for creating, editing, compiling, running, debugging, testing, deploying, and managing Java EE applications.

  • It integrates with various application servers, frameworks, libraries, databases, repositories, and other technologies that are used in Java EE development.

  • It has a large and active community of users and developers who provide support and feedback.

  • How can I update my Eclipse package?

You can update your Eclipse package by using the built-in update manager. To do this:

  • Go to Help > Check for Updates.

  • Select the updates that you want to install and click on Next.

  • Review the license agreements and accept them if you agree.

  • Click on Finish and wait for the updates to be downloaded and installed.

  • Restart Eclipse when prompted.

  • How can I install additional plugins and tools for Eclipse?

You can install additional plugins and tools for Eclipse by using the Eclipse Marketplace. The Eclipse Marketplace is a repository of software products and services that are compatible with Eclipse. To use the Eclipse Marketplace:

  • Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace....

  • Search for the plugin or tool that you want to install by using the search box or browsing the categories.

  • Select the plugin or tool that you want to install and click on Install.

  • Review the installation details and click on Confirm.

  • Review the license agreements and accept them if you agree.

  • Click on Finish and wait for the plugin or tool to be downloaded and installed.

  • Restart Eclipse when prompted.

  • How can I export or import my Eclipse settings and preferences?

You can export or import your Eclipse settings and preferences by using the built-in export/import wizard. This can help you to backup or restore your Eclipse configuration, or to share it with other users. To use the export/import wizard:

  • Go to File > Export... or File > Import....

  • Select General > Preferences from the list of export/import options.

  • Click on Next and choose the settings and preferences that you want to export or import.

  • Browse to the location where you want to save or load the exported or imported file.

  • Click on Finish and wait for the export/import process to complete.


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